powering an outdoor living space solely with propane

Did you know that you can power your entire outdoor living space with nothing more than propane? That's right! Everything from the cooking appliances to the lights can be powered using propane. Our blog will show you all about utilizing propane for light, energy and heat. You will get some ideas that can inspire you to create a space that doesn't require electricity to be run whatsoever. We plan to show you all of your options and present you with unique ways to create an outdoor living space that you, your family and all of your friends will envy and want to spend time in.

How To Safely Dispose Of Paint Thinner

Environmental Blog

If you plan on using paint thinner, you can't just dump leftover thinner in the garbage or pour it down the drain. Paint thinner is considered a hazardous substance, which means it will contaminate the water as well as harm animals.

It is also highly flammable. Paint thinner has to be disposed of properly. Here are tips to safely dispose of paint thinner.

Store Used Paint Thinner

It is ideal to only buy what you need for a project. Try to use as much as possible or give leftovers away to friends, neighbors, family, or to organizations undergoing paint projects. You may also be able to thin oil-based paint with it.

If you can't use leftover thinner, or get rid of it, store it. Put on protective gloves. Find a glass container or plastic container with a secure lid that won't be used for food.

Before you store it, look for halogen chemicals on the label. Take any paint thinner with "flour-", "chlor-",  "brom-", or "iod-", straight to the waste dump and don't carry it in the trunk of your vehicle.

Place a label on the container and store it in a dry, but well-ventilated area away from open flame sources (hot water heaters, stoves, furnaces, etc), and out of reach of children and pets. The particles will eventually settle at the bottom, and leave clear liquid on top.

Salvage the Good Thinner

Pour the good liquid in a fresh container. Call a local hazardous waste service to pick up the sludge. If this isn't possible, ask local authorities about a proper disposal method.

Let the sludge set in a well-ventilated area and add kitty litter or sand to make it crystallize faster and make it more eco-friendly. Wrap the dried thinner sludge up in a newspaper and discard it in the trash, if allowed.

Dispose of Rags and Containers

Rags that are soaked in thinner may be combustible. Discard them in a metal container with a tight lid, then take them to hazardous waste dump or contact a pick-up service.

If you can't find a tight, metal container, lay them out on a non-flammable surface in a well-ventilated space. After they dry, store them in a fireproof container.

If a paint thinner can has less than an inch of residue, dispose of it in the regular garbage. Otherwise, take it to the hazardous waste dump site.

In some cases you may be able to find a hazardous waste disposal collection event in your area. Some jurisdictions hold yearly events. If you are unsure about disposing of anything yourself, contact a hazardous waste dump service.


13 March 2017